Preparation for Moodle Decommissioning
Access to Moodle Site
Online access to the Moodle site has been terminated as of October 31st, 2023. At that time, the Moodle URL (online.utsouthern.edu) on the University websites. Any Moodle access will need to be requested via a ticket to infotech@utsouthern.edu.
Moodle System-Level Export and Archive Processes
A. Retrieving Course Exports After Moodle has Gone Away
All Moodle courses will be exported and stored on an external server. These exports contain course content only, meaning no student content, grades, enrollments, etc. will be stored.
Instructors who need access to Moodle course materials should submit a request via a ticket by emailing infotech@utsouthern.edu. In the request, be sure to include the Moodle course short name (i.e. BUS 320 – A SP 2023) of the course(s) you need content from. An export file for that specific course will then be provided to the instructor. Note: You must be listed as an instructor on that course. The instructor will then be able to import that content into Canvas.
Note: We migrated courses from Moodle to CANVAS for the below terms:
SP 2022, SU 2022, FA 2022, and SP 2023.
B. Moodle Archives
All Moodle data will be archived and stored for the duration specified by UT System data retention policies. Archives include all course data including student submissions, grades, assignments, enrollments, etc.
If there is a grade dispute or other significant need, the information can be recovered from the archive files by a Moodle system administrator.
Moodle course Archives will be retained for 5 years. There will be no more Moodle archives available after Spring 2028.
For Subpoenas and Other Legal Grade Requests/Disputes
Upon request, grades can be extracted from Moodle archive files by producing a CSV file for the targeted course.