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Building Quality Online Courses

Learning environments have evolved to be more than just face-to-face instruction and paper assignments. Our students need the flexibility to learn asynchronously amongst their peers. UT Southern is proud to offer a myriad of asynchronous and synchronous online courses, as well as some hybrid.

An online course rubric has been created to help you self-evaluate your online courses before, during, and after their creation. The button below will open up a fillable online course evaluation PDF.

What can you do to provide continuous quality online instruction?

  1. Take the backward approach
  2. Put yourself in your students’ shoes
  3. Think about what technologies you will be using
  4. Visualize your strategy – write it down, talk about it with a colleague… or talk to yourself, we won’t judge.
  5. Ask for help
  6. Self-evaluate using the fillable online course rubric
  7. Breathe
  8. Send your evaluation to Distance Learning Coordinator, Haley Kinder (, for a final review.

*Note: You can also reach out to Haley Kinder for consulting during any phase of your course creation process.